/səˈpɔːt/ (noun)
to agree with and give encouragement to someone because you want them to succeed
I figured you might have some questions. If I haven’t answered yours here, give me a ring and I can put your mind at rest about whatever is troubling you: 07525 116668.
Q. I thought I was coming to you for counselling, what do you mean by support?
A. I know it might sound strange or even counterproductive, but as well as counselling from me it is also ideal to have a support network at home – and that starts with you! I call it ‘self-care’, not to be confused with being ‘selfish’
Q. So what do I have to do?
A. Once you’ve arranged your counselling session, see if you can make dinner an easy option that evening. Give yourself time to breathe! Get to the session with a little free time to relax. Switch your phone off and park the 1001 things on your to-do list. They can wait a little while – your counselling session is all about you.
Q. What about after my session?
A. Always remember that your counselling is all about you. So even the music in your car should be what you like. You might like to keep your phone switched off for a few minutes more or even park up and sit in the car in silence to mentally ‘debrief’ the session. When you get home you may or may not want to talk about your session. You may want a cup of tea or a hug, I encourage you to communicate what you might need.
You may have different questions that you would like to ask me.
You can send me a text or phone and speak to me on 07525 116668
Or you can email: counselling@sophierantzau.co.uk
I figured you might have some questions. If I haven’t answered yours here, give me a ring and I can put your mind at rest about whatever is troubling you: 07525 116668.
Q. Why do I need support when it isn’t me that’s having counselling?
A. When someone is attending counselling, this can be a difficult time for you too, even though it isn’t you that’s having the counselling. Someone who you care for very much is now going to talk to someone else. You may find that you are berating yourself for not being able to help them yourself. You may even find yourself suggesting that they don’t need counselling.
Q. What sort of things might I need support with?
A. You could start by asking what support you already have in place, if any? Could it be useful for you to seek some counselling for yourself? Maybe the things that the other person is going to talk to a counsellor about have been impacting you too. Or maybe their behaviour has.
Q. But I won’t even know what they’ve been talking to you about, it’s all confidential, isn’t it?
A. Confidentiality in counselling is paramount, building trust with their counsellor enables the client to open up and share their difficulties. For someone who is trying to support the person attending counselling, this can be really difficult to sit with. You may feel as their partner or parent that you have a ‘right’ to know what is being talked about.
The “not knowing’ what is happening in the sessions, – especially if you are paying or it is your child attending counselling – can be a tough one. But I ask you to trust in the process and give them the space that they need. And indeed the space that you may need, too.
Q. What if they don’t want to talk to me about the sessions? How can I support them then?
A. If they’re your child, it may be they just want you to be Mum and not their counsellor. And the same could be true of a partner. But just ‘be’ there for them and nothing more. Well, maybe to fetch a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit!
You may have questions that you would like to ask me.
You can send me a text or phone and speak to me on 07525 116668
Or you can email: counselling@sophierantzau.co.uk
Call me for a quick chat on 07525 116668

Contact Information
Sophie Rantzau Counselling is a private counselling service providing a confidential, supportive and safe place to talk.
Sessions are priced at £65 for
50 minutes.
Counselling Services
“I was apprehensive at first but Sophie made me feel at ease and comfortable and throughout she helped me believe in myself again and get the confidence and strength back.
My time with Sophie was invaluable.”