Am I in the Right Place?

Let me help you with that question…
Something has led you here. Maybe your gut instinct or maybe a word of encouragement from a friend. Whatever it was, it is possibly saying “something has to change”!

Deciding to work with a counsellor can make a difference…
And that difference is that I can help untangle what is going on for you. And then you will learn the tools to manage the situation in the future.

So how do we do this….
Counselling is often referred to as a “Talking therapy”. So together we will talk in my private practice about what is or has been going on for you. It is a unique uncensored space where you can talk freely about how everything is for you and how it is impacting your daily life.

My clients come to me…
Because they may be experiencing anxiety, low mood, feeling stressed or bereaved. Some clients may be struggling with their self-esteem. For others relationships may be what led them to my page. We are constantly navigating our way whether it is with work colleagues, our partner or battles with our children. All can have an impact on us.

And maybe…
It is none of those things for you, but life is proving tricky right now and that’s where I step in…

Meet Your Counsellor

I qualified as a counsellor in 2015 with an Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling and Therapy and have regular supervision which gives me an outside perspective on my work, ensuring I remain laser-focused on helping my clients. 

As you’d expect, I have an enhanced DBS – this is the new name for what used to be called a CRB check – basically the police have run a thorough check on me. This isn’t a legal requirement – I do it because I take your counselling sessions seriously.

I am pleased to be able to provide counselling to ordinary people just like you and me. Because I know first-hand the positive impact that counselling has on people’s lives. Fortunately, I get to see it on a daily basis

I know that making the initial contact, and attending your first session can feel a bit daunting. Even the second session may feel that way. But with the worst part over, and you committed to wanting to make that change, I will be with you and support you every step of the way to get you from where you are to where you want to be. 

I work 1-2-1 with adult clients and am based in Storrington, West Sussex. Clients can choose whichever method they prefer for their sessions: face to face, over the phone or remotely via Zoom.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Am I in the Right Place?

Let me help you with that question…
Something has led you here. Maybe your gut instinct or maybe a word of encouragement from a friend. Whatever it was, it is possibly saying “something has to change”!

Deciding to work with a counsellor can make a difference…
And that difference is that I can help untangle what is going on for you. And then you will learn the tools to manage the situation in the future.

So how do we do this….
Counselling is often referred to as a “Talking therapy”. So together we will talk in my private practice about what is or has been going on for you. It is a unique uncensored space where you can talk freely about how everything is for you and how it is impacting your daily life.

My clients come to me…
Because they may be experiencing anxiety, low mood, feeling stressed or bereaved. Some clients may be struggling with their self-esteem. For others relationships may be what led them to my page. We are constantly navigating our way whether it is with work colleagues, our partner or battles with our children. All can have an impact on us.

And maybe…
It is none of those things for you, but life is proving tricky right now and that’s where I step in…

Meet Your Counsellor

I qualified as a counsellor in 2015 with an Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling and Therapy and have regular supervision which gives me an outside perspective on my work, ensuring I remain laser-focused on helping my clients.

As you’d expect, I have an enhanced DBS – this is the new name for what used to be called a CRB check – basically the police have run a thorough check on me. This isn’t a legal requirement – I do it because I take your counselling sessions seriously.

I am pleased to be able to provide counselling to ordinary people just like you and me. Because I know first-hand the positive impact that counselling has on people’s lives. Fortunately, I get to see it on a daily basis

I know that making the initial contact, and attending your first session can feel a bit daunting. Even the second session may feel that way. But with the worst part over, and you committed to wanting to make that change, I will be with you and support you every step of the way to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

I work 1-2-1 with adult clients and am based in Storrington, West Sussex. Clients can choose whichever method they prefer for their sessions: face to face, over the phone or remotely via Zoom.

Looking forward to hearing from you.